If you want to delete a document from the archive or cancel the invitations to sign the document, log in and go to the Documents -section. 

First, click on the document's name to open its details. After this, you can cancel the document invitations or delete the document by pressing the three dots on the right side. 

Canceling invitations sets all unused invitation links to a canceled state, meaning they can no longer be opened. No separate notification is sent to the recipients of the invitations about the cancellation. The document can be downloaded with existing signatures.

Note that the invited person cannot cancel the invitation sent to them. If the invited person does not sign the document by the deadline, the invitation automatically moves to a canceled state when its validity period ends.

Deleting a document completely removes the document from your documents. However, it remains in the archives of others who have signed it and is still legally valid.

Currently, mass downloading or deleting of documents is not yet possible. For now, documents can only be deleted one at a time.

In the future, improvements to document management in Visma Sign are planned, but there is no specific timeline for these functionalities at this point.

Keywords: Can a notification be sent from a canceled invitation?

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