If the invitation expires, all unused invitation links will be canceled and cannot be reopened. No separate reminder about the expiration will be sent to the invitee or the creator of the invitation.

The signatures of those who managed to sign their invitations can be found on the last page of the document's PDF file. The document can be downloaded with the existing signatures, but missing signatures cannot be collected in the same document anymore. 

If the deadline of the invitation has expired, you can proceed in one of the following ways:

  • You can make a completely new signature invitation to which you invite all the signatories
  • You can make a separate additional protocol/document in which you mention the original document and you can create a signature invitation from this for those who did not have time to sign the original.
  • You can print the document with existing signatures and collect the last signatures manually
The validity period cannot be extended after the invitation has been sent.

Keywords: can the signing time be extended, can the invitation validity period be extended, extend signing time, will I receive a reminder when the signatures are nearing the end? Where can I see who has not signed their invitation before the invitation has expired, Where can I see who has not signed the document before the document has expired

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