Log in to your Visma Sign account and select Create online form from the menu on the home page. Create a form using the easy Drag & Drop editor. So you won’t need to know anything about coding or have previous experience in creating forms in Visma Sign Forms. 

Here is how you can create form: 

1. Give the form a name. The name is shown on the form, used as the name of the PDF file created, and also shown in email messages sent by the service. 

2. Add a description under the form name if you like. 

3. Drag and drop any necessary information fields from the left-hand side into the form, and edit them as necessary. 

4. Tick Publish if you want to make the form public. Do not tick this if you want to save the form and finish and publish it later.

5. You can select whether signed forms are sent to an email account of your choice by selecting “Notify the organization about signed forms”. 

6. Select a company in the drop-down menu. 

7. Select from the drop-down menu a folder where completed forms are saved. 

8. You can add your company logo or other visual element on the form. The logo will be displayed when filling in the form, and saved in the signed document. 

9. Bank authentication may not work within an embedded element with some browsers. Visma Sign can open bank authentication outside an embedded object, but this will take the user back to the vismasignforms.com address. You can also adjust the return address if you want the user always to return to your own website. 

10. You can decide whether the signer will receive a standard message or a modified message from you after a successful signature. A third alternative is to direct the signer after a successful signature to any URL of your choice. 

11. The same alternatives are available following a failed signature attempt regarding the message and landing website. 

12. Select the form’s default country in the top right corner. This selection also determines the form's language. 

13. Click Save when you are ready with the settings.

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