Can't remember your password?

If you cannot remember your password, you can go to and click on the Forgot your password? button. This will allow you to create a new password for yourself via strong authentication and you can log in to your account with a username + password combination.

Can't remember your username?

If you are unsure of your username or whether you still have Visma Sign credentials, you can register for Visma Sign as an individual at, where you should fill in your details. It doesn't matter if you already have an account - re-registering will redirect you to the same old environment with strong authentication. This way you can update your username and password all at once.

If you have been a business user, please note that when re-registering, you do not need to fill in the details of any business account, i.e. the "I also want to register a company/entity" option should not be selected. The service will identify you through strong authentication, and will automatically link you to the potential business account as well. None of your old settings, rights and documents will be lost. 

Username and password do not match?

If you receive this error message, it means that one of the two pieces of information is incorrect. In that case, see the instructions above.

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