Visma Sign introduced signatures based on the eIDAS PAdES standard on 3 September 2018. Every document signed through the Visma Sign service will receive signature entries. On each page of the original PDF file, a text is added at the bottom, stating that the document has been signed electronically. Additionally, the document contains a link, which also acts as the document’s unique identifier. This makes it possible to check the document’s signature entries later. The signer's name is always added at the end of the document, and depending on the number of signers, one or more signature pages will be added. The top of the signature page states how many pages the document has before the signature page.


Signatures made with strong authentication:

When the signature is made with strong authentication (bank IDs or mobile certificates), the signers’ names and time of signature are listed one below another. The end of each signature line indicates which country’s authentication method has been used for the signature. For example, FI means that the signature has been made using a Finnish bank ID or Finnish mobile ID. The code in lighter typeface is the signature’s hash value. The same information is found in the Visma Sign service and later also in the document’s digital signature in order that it can be indisputably shown that the signing took place.

If signatures have been collected as a representative of a company or private person, the representation data is on the second line of each signature. The end of the signature page contains the explanations of representation roles in different languages.



Signatures made without strong authentication:

When the signing is done without strong authentication, the signature page will contain the drawn signature, your clarification of the signature, the email address where the invitation was sent, and the IP-address used for signing.


Keywords: Does Visma Sign meet the EU criteria for Qualified Electronic Signature QES?


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