The last stage of form creation is the Publish page, which contains the link and iFrame code for sending the form.vaihe4.PNG

1. Link: You can send the link by email or text message, or include it on your web page. If you select a link, the form will open in a browser in which the form can be filled in and signed with a mobile phone, tablet or computer, for example.

2. iFrame code: An iFrame code will enable you to embed a form directly as part of your web page or web application. The embedding code is normal HTML code, and practically any web page editing method can be used to include it as part of your web page. The parameters in the embedding code that determine the form view size can be adjusted freely to display the form in the right size on your page. Do not change the form’s network address, that is, the src parameter, in any way.

A form embedded on a web page will be downloaded at the same time with the web page. It can be filled in and signed without exiting the web page. The messages after signature will be shown within the web page. Please note that any direction to a web page only concerns the content of the iFrame window, not the entire web page. It is generally a better idea to use a modified text once a form has been signed, explaining what the signer should do next, using the navigation elements of your web page.

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