If the signature or authentication fails, clearing the browser cache or alternatively trying another browser will usually help. Visma Sign generally works with all the most common browsers, but sometimes browser settings may cause disruptions in signing. Please also make sure that the browser you are using has been updated to its latest version.

Visma Sign Form signature problems

If you are about to sign a web form created through Visma Sign, but for some reason the signing fails, please check the following points:

  • the email addresses you enter in the form are spelled correctly
  • the social security number you enter in the social security number field of the form corresponds to the social security number returned from the authentication channel
  • the form window should not be closed until the authentication has been completed on another tab
  • if attachments are added to the form, the attachments may be in a format that Visma Sign cannot handle. In this case, recreating the attachments in pdf format using the instructions below will help:
    1. Open the file in an Internet browser
    2. Click on the Print option in your browser
    3. From the printer menu, select the "save as pdf" option and save the new file
    4. Attach the resaved file to the form

Keywords: Unable to sign, signing fails, signature fails, customer cannot sign the invitation, signature does not succeed

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