When creating a signature request, you as the sender can decide whether you want to request a signature with strong authentication or a light signature.

Strong authentication can be used, for example, when you want to verify the identity or when the parties are not known to each other. Visma Sign currently supports strong authentication in five countries, each with its own authentication method. These are Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and the Netherlands.

Light Signature, on the other hand, does not require authentication and can be used, for example, if the signatory does not have the permitted strong authentication methods in place, if the parties are already known to each other or if the nature of the contract does not require authentication. Light signatures work virtually everywhere in the world.

How to set the signature method for an invitation? 

  • You can change the method directly under the signatories section: the method that is selected is the one that is not on the account by default.
  • You can change the mode for only one signatory by first clicking on the "customize" option for that signatory and setting the mode from there.

If you cannot change the signature mode, please contact the administrator. In this case, the second choice is blocked in the company settings.


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