All documents signed through the Visma Sign service are saved in the documents for seven years from the date the invitation was sent. You can remove a document’s content from the service, but the hash value and log details required for legal validity of the signatures will be stored permanently.

Documents signed without strong authentication are not saved in signers personal account. However, those will be saved on company account just like the documents signed with strong authentication. The documents is organised into the main level my documents and any folders below it. All folders are immediately below the main level, that is, you cannot create new folders within a folder.

You can do the following in the documents:

1. If you are the admin, you can add folders with the new folder button.

2. You can view the status of the documents. You can see the following about the documents: name (given when invitation sent, not the file name), status, number of received and requested signatures and the date when invitations were sent.

3. You can edit the document using the action button at the end of the row.

4. You can filter to view only the documents you are interested in. Please note that the filtering will only show the documents in the currently chosen folder, not in the entire archive.

5. You can download a document onto your own computer in PDF format by selecting the action button on the right of the document row.

6. You can send a reminder to those who were invited to sign the document.

7. You can delete or cancel documents.

Why can’t I find documents or invitations in the service? You should first log out and then log in again to check if the document appears. You should also check in the top menu that you have selected the correct organisation, provided you have more than one organisation linked to your account. It is also possible that one of the admins has deleted documents or changed the access rights, so this is worth checking too. The folder views may be different if access rights have been changed.

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