If your signature has been requested as a representative of a company, or if you are signing as the guardian of a minor or as a custodian, you are asked to provide the nature of your right of representation and details of the party you are representing when signing. This is always asked after authentication or after a lightly made signature.
How to select the company or guardian role?
1. When signing as a company representative, it is important to select the correct authorization role.
If you are signing on behalf of another person, select "Custodian" at this point. Then enter the person's name and date of birth in the fields that open.
The correct choice of representation role is always the responsibility of the signer.
If you have signed the document in the wrong authorization role, we recommend that you ask the sender of the invitation to resend the document for signing.
2. Select or write the company you wish to represent in this case, i.e., the company on whose behalf you are signing. If you have Visma Sign rights for one or more companies, you can select the company directly with a button. If the desired company is not available as a button, write its name in its official form in the designated field.
What if I have been invited to sign a document as a private individual, but I want to sign as a representative of an organization?
You can still choose from the dropdown menu "My representation role" whether you want to sign the document as a company representative or personally.
Not sure whom you should represent? If you are unsure which role you should choose, you can inquire about it, for example, from the sender of the invitation or read tips from our guide: What role should I assign to the signer, and how does it affect things? This guide explains in more detail what the chosen role affects.
Keywords: company signing rights, selection of representation role, I accidentally signed the contract as a position authorized
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