If all individuals are signing the invitation as representatives of a company, we recommend selecting the option "Company" from the "Set all signatories to represent" section. When this setting is enabled, each signatory will be asked to provide the company they represent during the signing phase of the invitation. The signatory selects the company they represent from a menu during the signing phase, and this name is added as part of the signature annotation.  

If you want to use this setting for only certain signatories, you can select the role of the specific signatory separately from the "Signatory represents" section and set the setting to apply only to that individual.

If the signatory is a user with a Visma Sign account of the company they represents, they will be able to select the company that they are representing directly from the menu during the signature phase. When the representative company is selected directly from the menu, the signed document is stored in the representative company's archive and is not stored in the signatory's personal archive. If the signatory selects the other organization option, the document is in that case stored in the signatory's personal  archive. 

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