If the signatory is a user on the Visma Sign account of the company they represent, and the represented company is selected directly from a pre-existing list during the signing phase, the document will not be saved in the signatory's personal account archive.

  • If you are a user on the company account from which the invitation was created, document will be saved to the account in the folder specified during the sending phase. The documents in the folder can be viewed by those who have rights to the folder according to the company user permissions. 
  • If you have signed as a company representative for an invitation sent by another company, the document will also be saved in the root/uncategorized documents folder of the company account you represent, which is visible only to the account's main users and users whose group has rights to all folders. 

Did you sign the document as a private person? See instructions: Where can I find the document I signed as a private person?

Keywrs: signing authority, position authorization, company role, representation role, organization representati

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