The standard basis for electronic signature is the eIDAS Regulation and its national implementation. It requires that the integrity and authenticity of the electronically signed document can be unequivocally established afterwards. With Visma Sign
- The signature is technically implemented in accordance with the PAdES-standard
- Anyone who has a signed copy of a document (file) has the opportunity to verify that the document has not been altered since the signature, who are the signers and when everyone has signed the document.
Saving an electronically signed document
A document signed with Visma Sign is always stored in the archive in pdf-format, from which you can download the document to your computer. Please note that the document must always be saved in pdf-format and the file must not be modified. The pages in the file cannot be detached from each other, nor can new pages be added to the file so that the signatures are preserved. To view a signed document, we recommend that you open the document primarily with Adobe.
How to forward an electronically signed document
When you want to forward a document signed with Visma Sign, you can download the document from your Documents and forward it as you want. Please note when forwarding the document that the file must be the original signed version and no changes have been made to the file. If changes are made to the file, the document's integrity will get broken and the document cannot be verified.
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