Once you have created the document and sent the invitation, you can monitor the invitation’s status by opening the document's details page. You can access the document's details page either from the Documents section or the Open Invitations section. 

You can track either the status of the entire document or the status of each individual signer's invitation.

The entire document status can be one of the following:

  • New - The invitation is saved, but no invitations have been sent.
  • Pending signatures - Invitations have been sent, but at least one signature is missing.
  • Signed - All invited persons have signed.
  • Cancelled - The signature invitation has been cancelled or the validity period has expired.

The invitation status of an individual signer can be one of the following:

  • New - An invitation has been sent, but it has not been opened yet.
  • Opened - The signer has opened the invitation link, but has not signed yet.
  • Waiting for sending - An invitation has been created, but it has not been sent yet. This is usually because the invitation has a sequence option enabled.
  • Signed - The signer has signed, and the invitation cannot be used anymore.
  • Cancelled - Document invitations have been cancelled or the validity period has expired.

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